成立於1998年,在90個國家銷售,用獨樹一格的設計, 及大膽創新經營時尚精品的理念,初上市即深受歐美時尚專業人士推崇。 隨即吸引全球時尚精品圈注目。創辦人表示,為何沒有一只兼具外觀及功能的手錶, 於是以Team designed, Custom built的理念,創辦了NIXON。 在人人都有手機的年代,手錶就不只是實用性而已, 是必備的穿搭配件,更是能展現出一個人的品味, 在NIXON,絕對有符合你個性的設計錶款。 Founded in 1998 in Encinitas, CA, Nixon is the premium watch and accessories brand for the youth lifestyle market. Focused on making the little stuff better, Nixon began with a small line of team-designed, custom-built watches sold exclusively in specialty board sport and fashion retailers. Currently distributed in over 90 countries, Nixon’s product range has grown to include select soft goods, leather goods, custom audio products and more.