【COBBLESTONE 酷伯史東】自2009年起 , 持續引進歐美日時尚潮流與極限運動品牌, 帶給台灣消費者品牌選擇更豐富。 - 美國時尚潮流品牌 NIXON 台灣總代理 - 法國BRISTON 布里斯頓 台灣總代理 - 日本保養品牌 SPHERE 斯菲兒 台灣總代理 - 美國潮流眼鏡 SABRE 賽柏 台灣總代理 - 日本抗藍光眼鏡 DON'T PANIC 懂配你 台灣總代理 - 日本設計師手錶 NORMAL 洛摩 台灣總代理 Our company was founded in 2009 and has over 15 years of experience in brand representation and retail. We are the sole exclusive distributor of NIXON(USA), BRISTON(FRANCE), SABRE(USA), SPHERE(JAPAN) and NORMAL(JAPAN) in Taiwan. Have extensive experience collaborating with media, online influencers, celebrities and social group buying platforms. Many wholesale partners are carrying our products and cover fashion boutique, selected shops, and extreme sport. We continuously introduce trendy fashion brands and products to provide consumers with a wider range of brand choices.